From April 10th through 12th, the Afro-Cuban Legacies conference witnessed an international gathering of scholars, artists and writers. Organized by Professor Juanamaria Cordones-Cook, the conference examined Afro-Cuban expressive cultures since the 1960s. Over the conferences' three days of events, which extended across MU's campus and into the Columbia community at large (including Stephens College) hundreds of students and community members filled exhibition spaces and conference panels to capacity. 

Discussing the conference's impact with the College of Arts & Science, University of Missouri President Mun Y. Choi remarked, “As a university, we have a deep commitment to the arts and a deep commitment for cultural exchanges that will create a world that is more interesting, that is more humane and more just.”

Congratulations to Professor Cordones-Cook, and all other organizers and presenters! 

Professor Juanamaria Cordones-Cook gives opening remarks at Afro-Cuban Legacies.